About us

Why OneRichmond?

Our area has long been seen as a wealthy, flourishing London suburb, but this is only part of Richmond’s story. For many local people, this masks a harsher reality.

OneRichmond was established by two well-known local funders, Richmond Foundation and Hampton Fund, to address inequality and hardship across the borough.

Through research, local data and by talking to residents, we have built a good understanding of the issues facing people living in Richmond today. With help from our local community, we can raise awareness of these local issues and unlock new funding to help tackle them.

By encouraging people who live locally, to give locally, we can increase the amount of grant funding available to local organisations, and ensure projects and services are available where they are needed most.

See how you can help


Applying for a grant

Through our grants programme, we fund organisations who are addressing local need. Our next grants round will prioritise projects and organisations that support unpaid carers across the borough.

To find out more about our grants and how to apply, email [email protected] or sign up for our newsletter below.

Read more about why we’re supporting unpaid carers

Meet our team

To speak with one of our team, please call us on 020 3747 9357, email [email protected] or fill in the form below: